Thursday, January 31, 2013

February is "I Love to Read" month!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

February is “I Love to Read” month!

In English, we will be celebrating “I Love to Read” month with a variety of fun activities that will give your child a boost in reading… and many chances to win some great prizes!  We’d like your help for some of the activities, so read on! 

·         “Get Caught ‘Read’ Handed”
o    Students will be bringing home one red slip at the beginning of each week.  If you catch them nuzzled up and reading, reading to a sibling, poring over a newspaper or magazine, etc, sign the “read-handed” slip and send it with your child to school.  They will be entered in a drawing for some fun prizes! 
·         “I did it!  I finished a book!”
o    Every time a student finishes a book this month, he or she should complete a pink “I finished a book” form.  When they get your signature, each form will give students a chance to win a great end of the month prize!
·          “Book Love”
o    Students can write summaries of a favorite book that will be posted in the classroom or in the hallway. 
·          “Random Acts of Reading”
o    If a student is spied by another staff member reading around the school, or if he or she simply brings a reading book to English or another classroom, any staff member may write that child a “Random Acts of Reading” slip which will enter them in a drawing for an awesome reward!
·         “Drop Everything and Read!”
o    On Monday, February 15, our English students will curl up with a good book during English class on the Drop Everything and Read Day and do some highly anticipated silent reading… in their pajamas! 
·         I Love to Read Extra Credit
o    Students are also able to earn 10 extra credit points in the month of February for completing a choice of a fun project or writing assignment based on a book they read this month! 
·         Title Tales
o    Students will create sentences using the titles of books from the media center, classroom library, or from books they have at home!  When they have 10 sentences, they will be entered in a prize drawing!
·         Weekly Snippet
o    Every day in February, English teachers will read a “snippet” from a well-known children’s or adolescent book.  Students will guess the title.  At the end of the week, the mysteries will be revealed and students will be able to earn a chance to win a weekly prize! 
·         “Read my Shirt!”
o    On Friday, February 22, students and staff will wear shirts with an appropriate or funny saying on them… or simply shirts with words!  If they participate, they’ll be eligible for a chance at a weekly prize!  

Prizes may include:
o    Treats
o    Late Homework Passes
o    Bookmarks
o    Snacks
o    Pens and pencils
o    Books
o    Free lunch
o    ????

Please support and encourage reading this month, as you do every month!  Thank you for your participation in this exciting reading event!     

~Hidden Oaks English Teachers

Items Needed for FACS

Items Needed-
The 8th grade Fashion and Sewing class is in need of clothing catalogues and magazines that have some fashion/clothing in them.
Please drop them off in the main office or with Mrs. Johnson.
Thank you so much.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pi Day shirts

Here is the winning design for the 2013 Pi Day shirts. Congratulations to Cade Schanzenbach, a 7th grader from TOMS won. He is in Ms. McDermott's Advanced Algebra class. We will get you the details on the shirt soon if you want to order one. Thanks!


Thank you to all who entered the Pi Day t-shirt contest. We had over 25 designs to pick from. Here are some of the designs submitted. More information on the t-shirts will be coming next week. Look to your math teacher or the blog for details. Thanks again!